Kindergarten: Massachusetts State Law mandates that all kindergarten students be compliant with their immunizations prior to starting school. Students must have the following immunizations: DTaP 5 doses, Polio 4 doses, Hepatitis B 3 doses, HIB 4 doses, MMR 2 doses, Varicella 1 or 2 doses or a physician certifed history of having the chicken pox, Lead Screening. Starting in 2008 all students must have a preschool vision screening by their physican. Students also need to supply the School Nurse with a copy of the 5 year old physical examination.
Schools are prohibited from admitting a student without documentation from a physician demonstrating that the child has been successfully immunized. The only exceptions are documentation of medical contraindications, religious beliefs, or homelessness.
Physical Examinations:
A copy of a current physical exam must be on file at school.
- Entry into Barnstable Public Schools (any level)
- Grades K, 4, 7 and 10.
- Annually prior to participation in sports grades 7-12.