- Barnstable Public Schools
- Schools: Identified by Address/Street
Barnstable Street List for Elementary Schools
Please note the following key:B= Both sides of roadO= Odd # side of the streetE= Even # side of streetThis list will let you know what school you will need to register your child at, as each elementary school, except BCHMCPS, has a geographic area that belongs to that school. If you look up your street name by the corresponding letter, you will find the school district you live in.For example, 123 Phinney's Lane, Click on the "P" for "Phinney's" then look at the house number and read across to see "B", which stands for "both" sides of the road OR "E" which stands for "Even" numbers OR "O" which stands for "odd" numbers. Follow across to the school name, which is the school that address belongs to.In the example, 123 Phinney's Lane is Centerville elementary.If you need any questions answered as far as the district you belong in or transportation, please feel free to call the transportation office at 508.790.6478.