Q. Who may participate in the Advanced Studies and Leadership Program (ASLP)?
A. Incoming 8th and 9th grade students who are in the top 20% of their 7th or 8th grade class, based on multiple measures, are notified via a formal letter and invited to apply for participation in the summer program.
Q. How and when will students be notified?
A. The formal letter is sent via email to students and families. The letter notifies students of their opportunity to apply for the seats available to Barnstable Public Schools. The number of seats will be determined by ASLP each year. In addition, students and families are invited to an informational meeting to learn about the program and receive application materials. If students are unable to attend the meeting, please contact the Teaching and Learning Office (508-420-2272 x1329) to request information.
Q. If a student attends during the summer of grade 7, are they still eligible to attend in grade 8?
A. Students who are accepted and attend during the summer between their 7th and 8th grade year are able to attend the following year. Up to 20% of the accepted students can be returning participants.
Cape Cod Collaborative's informational webpage about the Advanced Studies and Leadership Program.
Mass Maritime Academy's informational webpage about the Advanced Studies and Leadership Program.