BPS District Curriculum Accommodation Plan
This District Curriculum Accommodation Plan (DCAP) emphasizes how general education can be maximized to support student learning and growth. Adaptations to teaching and learning styles and classroom climates can and should be designed and implemented before assuming that a student’s lack of progress can only be addressed by special education. Appropriate instructional support intervention strategies must be implemented, documented, and analyzed for all students. The plan is intended to guide all district staff in ensuring that all possible efforts have been made to meet student needs in general education classrooms and to support instructional staff in analyzing and accommodating the wide range of student learning.
DESE Curriculum Frameworks
The Massachusetts Curriculum Frameworks provide teachers, students and families with clear and shared expectations for what all students should know and be able to do at the end of each year. They represent a promise of equitable education for all students. They formalize the expectation that all students in the Commonwealth have access to the same academic content, regardless of their zip code, background, or abilities.
Home Education
Barnstable Public Schools recognizes and respects the right of parents or guardians to educate their child(ren) at home, in accordance with Massachusetts General Law Chapter 76, Section 1 and the Charles Decision of the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court.
The School Committee appreciates the personal and cultural uniqueness of each family and desires to ensure that the process by which school officials approve and review home school programs is both lawful and equitable. Therefore, the Barnstable Public School District has established these procedures for the home school program.
The Massachusetts General Law requires the School Committee to determine that a Home School program meets the minimum standards established for public schools in the Commonwealth prior to approving such a program.
Home Education Procedures
Please print and complete the Notice of Intent to Pursue a Home Education program for your child and return the form to:
Kristen Harmon
Assistant Superintendent
P.O. Box 955
Hyannis, MA 02601
When completing the form, please be aware of the following points:
Home education programs should normally begin at the start of the school year, and requests should be submitted by June 1 of the preceding school year to allow for proper review and analysis.
If this process is initiated during the school year, the student must remain in school until the school district and the parents agree jointly to the home education plan.
For students with, or suspected of having an educational disability, the school district must provide or arrange for an evaluation, convene a team to determine eligibility and, if eligible, create an IEP. The district must make services available to all eligible students.
A home education plan is valid for one school year and must be approved each school year.
Students engaged in home education programs do not receive a transcript or diploma from the Barnstable Schools.