Wellness Guidelines
English.pdf | Portuguese.pdf | Spanish.pdf
The District Wellness Advisory Committee wants to take this opportunity to remind our school community about our current wellness guidelines as they relate to food in schools for celebrations, fundraisers, and other events. Snacks Healthy, nutritious snacks keep students’ minds and bodies fueled to learn and grow. Snacks served by the schools will follow the national nutritional standards with an emphasis on serving fruits and vegetables as the primary snacks and water as the primary beverage. A list of healthy snack ideas for families.
Staff, students, and families have come up with so many creative alternatives to food celebrations, and we would love to see that continue! Non-food celebrations are safest for our students with food allergies and are more likely to contribute to students’ overall wellness. If food is sent in for celebrations, it must be pre-packaged with a complete nutrition ingredient label from a reputable food supplier. No food that is prepared at home will be allowed to be shared with other students during the school day.
If schools provide food or beverage rewards for academic performance or positive behavior, they must follow the USDA’s Smart Snacks in Schools guidelines. Schools are highly encouraged to use other options besides food for rewards.
Fundraising Activities
To support our district’s health and school nutrition goals, there will be no food fundraisers sold to students during the school day. This does not apply to activities during non-school hours. Schools will encourage fundraising activities that promote physical activity and other non-food alternatives. Here is a list of ideas for alternatives to food fundraising activities for school and PTO groups.
Foods/Beverages Sold
(Sold in vending machines, school stores, and concession stands/snack bars) Foods and beverages offered or sold at school-sponsored events during non-school hours (including, but not limited to, athletic events, dances, performances, and presentations) will be encouraged to meet the nutritional standards for foods and beverages. During the school day, only foods that align with the school meal nutrition standards will be allowed, and no foods prepared in someone’s home can be shared with other students.
Thank you for collaborating with us to promote healthy choices and physical activity for our students!