Student Registration
Grades K-12: Pre-Registration for School Year 2025-2026 is open! Follow the steps below.
PreK - See the Enoch Cobb Early Learning Center Admissions page for information about applying for the Peer Model program.
New Student Registration
- Steps to Enroll
- Kindergarten Registration
- Preschool Registration
- Registration Documents (required)
- Medical Documents (required)
Steps to Enroll
Enrollment in the Barnstable Public School District requires residency within the town of Barnstable. Pre-Registration begins with an online application and must be completed only by those parents/guardians who meet the residency requirements.
NOTE: Pre-Registration does not indicate enrollment in the District.
Required Steps For Enrollment
- Complete the pre-registration online
NOTE: Visit the School Choice below under the Additional Forms if you live outside of Barnstable.
- At the end of the pre-registration process, you must make an appointment with the Family and Community Engagement Center (FCEC) for each child, using the online scheduler.
- Schedule your appointment 24 hours prior to your desired date and time.
- All meetings are held in person at: HYCC, 141 Bassett Lane Hyannis. Accommodations can be made for a Zoom meeting if necessary, send us an email: psengagementcenter@mybps.
- Schedule your appointment 24 hours before your desired date and time.
- To reschedule your appointment, please do so 24 hours before. Email us and we will send you the link to the online scheduler to reschedule.
- Email the BPS Engagement Center if you have any questions.
Kindergarten Registration
Pre-Registration for school year 2025-2026 is open.
Requirements for Enrollment
Students must be 5 years of age on or before September 1, 2025.
You must be a full-time resident of Barnstable. School Choice will be open in April 2025 for the Fall of 2025. Kindergarten school choice occurs at the end of August according to space at each school.
Complete the pre-registration process online and schedule a registration appointment on the second to last page of the application. Appointments are at the Family and Community Engagement Center, 141 Bassett Ln, Hyannis, MA 02601.
Bring all required documents with you to the appointment. If you do not have all the documents, our staff will help you find a way to obtain them so that you can finish your registration. The student does not need to be present at the appointment.
Registrations completed before May 1st will be entered into a drawing for a book gift basket.
If applying to the Barnstable Community Innovation School, the last day to complete registration is May 10th at 2 pm and the lottery will take place for registered students on May 13th. All paperwork must be completed, and the registration sealed by May 10th.
PLEASE NOTE: Students who currently attend Enoch Cobb Early Learning Center are already registered for Kindergarten at their home school.
If they would like to attend BCIS, fill out this transfer form.
Steps to Register:
Create an account for your student on the BPS Registration webpage.
Using a computer, fill in the online application and upload the documents if you can. If not, bring them to the registration appointment. Directions for creating an account are located on the main registration page.
Pick an appointment time at the FCEC (141 Bassett Ln, Hyannis, MA 02601) and submit your application.
Go to the appointment at the FCEC with your documents. If you need help obtaining the documents, we will work with you to find a solution.
For new registrations, schools will reach out for a Kindergarten screening and orientation in May or June prior to the September start of school.
Preschool Registration
To register in our Preschool program at the Enoch Cobb Early Learning Center, you must first go through the registration/application process at ECELC. Once accepted into the program then you may register here.
Registration Documents (required)
1. Photo identification of parent/guardian (one of the following)
- Driver’s license
- Massachusetts ID card
- Valid government-issued photo ID
2. Proof of child’s age (one of the following)
- Birth certificate
- Baptismal certificate identifying date of birth
- Hospital record identifying date of birth
3. Proof of Residency: Two (2) forms of proof of residency must be provided, each of which must have a matching name and address and be dated within the past 45 days. Letters must be opened and not in the envelope.
- Deed or record of mortgage payment
- Copy of current lease
- Notarized Barnstable Public Schools Landlord Affidavit form
- Up to two utility bills such as gas, oil, electric, or water
- Homeowner's or renter’s insurance bill
- Car insurance bill
- Health Insurance communication or bill
- Cable bill
- Telephone bill
- Bank statement
- Valid Massachusetts driver’s license with current home address
- Valid government-issued photo identification with current home address
- Current motor vehicle registration with home address
- Department of Transitional Assistance (DTA) letter
- Payroll stub with current home address
- IRS Form W-2
- Excise tax bill or Property tax bill
- Voter registration
4. Health Records
- Complete and up-to-date immunization records from the health care provider; and
- Physical exam (within one year) documentation from health care provider;
- Lead test and result (kindergarten and prekindergarten only)
- Written statement by a physician stating that the physical condition of the child warrants medical exemption from inoculations (if applicable);
- Written statement by parent/guardian that the child’s religious denomination opposes tests and inoculations (if applicable) signed and dated;
- A TB test is required if the child has recently been in a high-risk country for more than 4 calendar weeks.
5. Report cards and/or transcripts
Grades K- 8 are required to bring copies of their most recent report card or transcript and will fill out a release of records at the registration appointment
High School (grades 9-12):
Bring a copy of all year-end report cards for grades 9-12
Bring the most recent progress report, online grade report, or transcript.
Many schools have a portal online to print out past report cards and current grades and classes.
You may come to the FCEC before your appointment to fill out a release of records for the current school OR fill out a release of records at your current school to send records to: BPS FCEC, 141 Bassett Ln, Hyannis, MA 02061, Fax: 508-790-6202, email:
High school students cannot start school without transcripts from their previous high school(s)
6. In addition, please bring the following if applicable:
IEP, 504, and/or Individual Health Care Plan such as asthma or allergy action plan
Legal documents such as custody agreements or restraining/protection orders (notarized translation into English)
Medical Documents (required)
English.pdf | Portuguese.pdf | Spanish.pdf
The Massachusetts Department of Public Health (105 CMR 200.00 and 220.00) specifies minimum immunization and physical examination requirements before admission to school.
A copy of a current, up-to-date immunization record is required.
(Reference: MA DPH School Immunization Requirements)
- 3 doses Hep B
- 4 doses DTaP
- 3 doses Polio
- 1-4 doses Hib
- 1 dose MMR
- 1 dose Varicella (or reliable history of varicella)
- Lead test
- 3 doses Hep B
- 5 doses DTaP*
- 3-4 doses Polio**
- 2 doses MMR
- 2 doses Varicella (or reliable history of varicella)
- Lead test
Grades 1-6
- 3 doses Hep B
- 5 doses DTaP*
- 3-4 doses Polio**
- 2 doses MMR
- 2 doses Varicella (or reliable history of varicella)
Grades 7-12
- Grade 7: 1 dose MenACWY
- Grade 11: 2 doses MenACWY***
- 1 dose Tdap
- 3 doses Hep B
- 5 doses DTaP*
- 3-4 doses Polio**
- 2 doses MMR
- 2 doses Varicella (or reliable history of varicella)
*DTaP: 4 doses are acceptable if the 4th dose is given on or after 4th birthday
**Polio: 3rd or 4th dose must be given on or after 4th birthday
***MenACWY: 2nd dose must be given on or after 16th birthday
Exemptions: (must be renewed annually)
Religious: A signed parent/guardian statement that immunization(s) conflict(s) with religious beliefs.
Medical: A signed physician statement that immunizations are waived for medical reasons.
Homeless students: nurses will work on compliance with parents/guardians.
Physical Exams
A copy of a physical exam completed in the United States is required and must be within one year prior to entrance to school. Health records transferred from a student's previous school may be used to determine compliance with this requirement.
Tuberculosis (TB) Testing Requirements
TB testing is required for school entry for:
- Students who were born in a high risk country* and do not have a documented test performed in the US.
- Students who have had contact with person(s) suspected to have tuberculosis.
- All students (newly enrolled and currently registered) who have spent more than 4 calendar weeks in a high-risk country*.
- NOTE: Students who have had a BCG vaccine in the past must have a QuantiFERON blood test prior to entry (Mantoux and/or chest x-ray alone will not be accepted for these students).
If a TB test is positive, students are required to have a chest x-ray (CXR) and consult with the physician regarding treatment. Written clearance from their physician is required to enter school.
*high risk country list:
Additional Forms
School Choice
School Choice is closed for the 2024-2025 School Year. School Choice forms are now available for the 2025-2026 School Year.
Resident School Choice (Grades K-3)
- Please complete the Resident School Choice Form.
- June 9: Spring lottery (if there are more applicants than existing slots)
- Students will receive a letter or email indicating if their request has been accepted, denied, or waitlisted.
- Requests received after June 9 spring lottery, will be accepted, denied, or waitlisted as they are received.
Please Note: For kindergarten requests, the number of openings is often not known until August.
Non-Resident School Choice
- Please complete the Non-Resident School Choice Form.
- Applicants with siblings currently attending BPS will be placed first, prior to an enrollment lottery.
- June 9: Spring lottery (if there are more applicants than existing slots)
- Students not accepted after the Spring lottery will be placed on a waiting list.
- Applications received after the June 9th spring lottery will be kept separate from the waiting list. If the waiting list is exhausted, a summer lottery will occur.
- August 11: Summer lottery (if needed)
If slots remain after the summer lottery and there is no waiting list, students may be accepted as parents apply until a date specified by the principal.
BCIS: Transfer Request Form
Withdrawal Form
Parents/Guardians of all students withdrawing from the Barnstable Public Schools (BPS) must complete this form for each child, and report where they will be next enrolled. By completing and signing this form you acknowledge that your student will be withdrawn from BPS. Your student's temporary record, which is all material other than the official transcript, will be destroyed no later than seven years after you withdraw from the school system.
NOTE: If your student is withdrawing from BPS and plans to return, you will be required to complete the registration process upon the student's return to Barnstable.
Video: How to Register a Student
Frequently Asked Questions
- What is Pre-registration?
- How is residency defined?
- How does the District verify residency?
- Why must I bring a photo ID?
- What if I don’t have the required proofs of residency with me when I register?
- What if I do not pay for utilities, or if none of the utility bills are in my name?
- Where is the Family and Community Engagement Center?
- Can I register my child at Enoch Cobb Early Learning Center if they have not been accepted yet?
- What if I have recently moved and do not yet have documents I can use?
- What if I am over 18 and no longer live with my parents?
- How are annual updates handled?
- What if I live with a friend or relative?
- What if my family does not have a permanent residence?
- What if the student is in foster care?
- Is residency fraud a violation of Massachusetts state law?
- Will documents that I submit to prove residency remain confidential?
- Which elementary school do I register my child for?
- We are moving to Barnstable from outside the United States, do I need anything additional?
- How do I register my child for the Barnstable Community Innovation School?
- My child completed Kindergarten in a different school, but will not be 6 yrs old by Sept. 1?
- How do I re-instate my childs enrollment in Barnstable?
- We moved to another address in Barnstable after registering, what should we do?
- How is grade placement determined?
- Where does the pre-registration appointment take place?
What is Pre-registration?
How is residency defined?
In order to attend school in the District, a student must actually reside in the Town of Barnstable. A student’s primary residence is the place where s/he dwells permanently, not temporarily, and is the place that is the center of his or her domestic, social, and civic life. The primary residence of a minor child is presumed to be the legal residence of the parent(s) or guardian(s) who have physical custody of the child.
How does the District verify residency?
Families registering or submitting a change of address must demonstrate Barnstable residency by submitting documents from an authorized list of acceptable proofs. A photo ID is also required. In order to verify residency, the District reserves the right to request additional documents and/or to conduct an investigation if needed. Because residency can change for students and their families during the school year, the District may verify residency at any time.
Why must I bring a photo ID?
A photo ID is required for all registration, change of address, or transfer applications as proof that the person making the application matches documentation for parent/guardian status and is also the person whose name is associated with the residency proofs.
Acceptable photo IDs include:
- A Driver’s License
- Massachusetts ID card
- Valid government-issued photo identification
What if I don’t have the required proofs of residency with me when I register?
What if I do not pay for utilities, or if none of the utility bills are in my name?
We take other proofs of residency such as voter registration, paystubs, W-2, insurance, DTA and RMV correspondence. You may also download a Landlord Affidavit, complete and notarize it, and bring one bill from the landlord and one from a parent/guardian. See our page about residency documents for more information.
Where is the Family and Community Engagement Center?
Can I register my child at Enoch Cobb Early Learning Center if they have not been accepted yet?
You should not register your child for the Enoch Cobb Early Learning Center unless your child participated in a peer screening and you have been notified of acceptance, or your child has been found eligible for pre-school special education services. Please visit the Enoch Cobb Early Learning Center webpage for further information.
What if I have recently moved and do not yet have documents I can use?
What if I am over 18 and no longer live with my parents?
How are annual updates handled?
Student Contact and Medical Verification are conducted annually by the District. Parents/guardians will make any changes to student information on-line through the Annual Update portal, not the registration portal. You will receive a notice from the school each year requesting such changes, and log-in information.
What if I live with a friend or relative?
Please review the list of acceptable proofs of residency. In this case, you will be required to bring a copy of the current lease and record of rental payment made within the past 45 days, or Notarized Barnstable Public Schools Landlord Affidavit and proof of rental payment made within the past 45 days; plus a document from the approved list.
What if my family does not have a permanent residence?
Families covered under the McKinney-Vento Act should contact the FCEC at 508-790-6345 x117. If you are staying in a shelter, please bring documentation on agency letterhead indicating that you are living there. Children who are covered under the McKinney-Vento Act are immediately enrolled even if unable to produce records normally required for enrollment, such as academic, immunization, and residency documents.
What if the student is in foster care?
Is residency fraud a violation of Massachusetts state law?
Will documents that I submit to prove residency remain confidential?
Which elementary school do I register my child for?
This list will identify the elementary school you should register your child for based on your street address.
We are moving to Barnstable from outside the United States, do I need anything additional?
How do I register my child for the Barnstable Community Innovation School?
Barnstable Community Innovation School enrollment information.
- Kindergarten: Kindergarten Registration
- BPS students looking to transfer to BCIS: Transfer Request
- Non-Resident students: School Choice
My child completed Kindergarten in a different school, but will not be 6 yrs old by Sept. 1?
The Massachusetts Board of Elementary and Secondary Education requires each child to attend school beginning in September of the calendar year in which he/she attains the age of six (6) but allows each school committee to establish its own minimum permissible age for school attendance, provided that such age is not older than the state mandatory minimum age. It is the policy of the District to:
Admit a child into kindergarten if he/she is five (5) years of age on or before September 1 of the school year in which s/he enrolls.
Admit a child into first grade if he/she is six (6) years of age on or before September 1 of the school year in which he/she enrolls.
Students who attend a kindergarten program in a public school system outside of Barnstable or who attend a kindergarten program approved by the Superintendent may be allowed to enter first grade if Barnstable school officials determine that it would be educationally appropriate.
How do I re-instate my childs enrollment in Barnstable?
We moved to another address in Barnstable after registering, what should we do?
How is grade placement determined?
Grade placement is determined via the following. Students registering for:
- Grades 1- 9 are required to bring copies of their most recent report card or transcripts
- Grade 10 are required to bring copies of their 8th and 9th grade report card or transcripts
- Grade 11 are required to bring copies of their 9th and 10th grade report card or transcripts
- Grade 12 are required to bring copies of their 9th, 10th, and 11th grade report card or transcript