Student Pick-up and Drop-off Information

  • Arrival Map (morning drop-off)

    For arrival (in the morning) student drop-off locations, please reference this map to assist you. 

    Dismissal Map (afternoon pick-up)

    For dismissal (in the afternoon) student pick-up location, please reference this map to assist you.  

    All students will be able to access breakfast until 7:20 a.m. at the start of the first-period class. 

    Bus Drop-off

    Students who arrive on buses in the morning will be dropped off at the back of the school. Students are to report to the following locations:

    • Grades 9-12 report to the Main Cafeteria until 7:05 a.m., then pass to class.
    • 8th-grade students report to the Junior/Senior Cafeteria until 7:05 a.m., then pass to class.

    Car Drop-off

    Students being dropped off in the morning will report to the Main Entrance or the Busport. Students will remain in those areas until 7:05 a.m. and then go to their first-period class. Students may not be dropped off or picked up on the access road by the stadium as it will be closed to all traffic.


    Students who walk to school may report to the Main Entrance or Busport entrance and remain in that area until 7:05 a.m. when students will go to their first class. 

    Late Arrival

    What time is late to school? Students are expected to be in their first-period class at 7:20 a.m. Students arriving at school at 7:20 a.m. will be marked tardy to school and must enter through the Main Entrance.