The mission of Barnstable Community Innovation School is to provide a safe and nurturing learning community that will engage, educate, and challenge a diverse population of K-3 students through Project Based Learning. We support each child’s unique intellectual and social development, strive for academic excellence, and cultivate parent and community partnerships.
Barnstable Community Innovation School is a Title I School that focuses on the whole child. Both our math and reading specialists work closely with all BCIS staff to ensure that students are working at their individual academic levels. Our Title I staff regularly collaborates with classroom teachers to successfully implement our core curriculums while using assessments and careful data analysis to differentiate instruction for each student. On a monthly basis, our math and reading specialists conduct professional learning communities where grade level teachers work together to review student progress and analyze their teaching strategies.
Throughout the school year, Title I staff encourage families in our school community to participate in our family engagement nights. This included science events, reading and math nights, celebrations of the arts, and multi-cultural presentations. Our Title I funds also purchase an online reading program for our students to use in school and at home. Students can choose from a variety of online books to read, listen to, and answer questions to build their reading and comprehension skills. We are very lucky to have this wonderful program.