- 9:30 AM - 11:30 AM
2:00 PM - 5:00 PM
During our Public office hours, as listed, ring the bell upon your arrival and we will be happy to help you. Please do be patient as we have a small space and can only have one family at a time inside.
- 12:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Application/Payment Dropbox
We have a drop box out front that you can use 24/7 to drop your payment and application off and applications are available here on our website.
Sandy Gifford - Transportation Director
phone: 508.790.6498
Beth Metell - Dispatcher
phone: 508.790.6497
Donna Duchenesy Lennon - Transportation Assistant
phone: 508-790-6478
General Transportation Line: 508-790-6478
Office Fax: 508.790.6353
(If you get the voicemail please leave a message. Your call is important to us and we return all phone calls)
835 Falmouth Rd., Hyannis, MA 02601
(On the service road between Barnstable Intermediate School and Barnstable High School)
To Contact FIVE STAR - The Company for the Big Buses:
phone: 508.443.5074 or 508.443.5075
email: or
Bus Safety
The best protection for a child at a school bus stop is a vigilant parent. In today's world of dual working parent families, a parent waiting at the bus stop with a child is not always possible.
According to The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC) Each year in the United States, between 1.3 and 1.8 million children are reported missing. These children may be kidnapped, lost, or runaways. Some children are taken by a non-custodial parent, still, others disappear with few clues as to the reason.
NCMEC points out that, in many cases, an abductor is not a stranger to the child. So, while the warning to "stay away from strangers" is good advice, it provides very limited protection. Children are more often abducted or exploited by people who have some type of familiarity with them, but who may not be known to the parents. NCMEC explains that the term "stranger" misleads children into believing that they should only be aware of individuals who have an unusual or slovenly appearance. Instead, it is more appropriate to teach children to watch out for certain situations or actions, rather than certain kinds of individuals.
Protecting Your Child At School Bus Stops
- Work with other parents to have children walk to bus stops and wait in groups. Use the "buddy system" whenever possible.
- Create a Safe Walking Plan with your child using the safest and most direct path to the school bus stop.
- Establish "Safe Houses" along the route to the bus stop that your child can go to if approached while walking to the bus stop.
- Keep an updated color photograph of your child in a packet along with medical and dental records and your child's fingerprints.
- Avoid clothing and toys with your child's name on them.
Teach Children to:
- Notify your parent before leaving for the bus stop.
- Never go into a house unless your parent has given permission to use the house as a "Safe House".
- Tell your parent if you feel scared, uncomfortable or confused about waiting for the school bus.
- Tell the school bus driver, immediately, if you are approached while waiting at the bus stop.
- Tell the school Principal or designated school staff, immediately, if you are approached while waiting at the bus stop.
- NOISE is your best defense – yell, scream, shout, and scatter books and belongings if you are approached and being forced into a car.
- Move safely away from any vehicle that pulls up to the bus stop.
- Never accept a ride to school if you are waiting at the bus stop.
- Follow the Safe Walking Plan and never use shortcuts through empty parks, lots, alleys, fields, etc.
- Run home or to a designated safe house if you are close to home and approached while walking to or at the bus stop.
- Write a license plate number in the dirt if nothing else is available and only when you are safely away from danger.
Bus Drivers are always looking out for student’s safety and are aware of their surroundings. If they see something suspicious, they report it to their office immediately and the police are called, as warranted. Bus drivers are mandated to take the National School Bus Watch training course, which includes looking for suspicious activities and always be on the lookout.
Bus Passes
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Bus Information
- Portuguese & Spanish Documents
- Application
- Sharing Information/Fee Waiver
- Kindergarten Bus Safety
Frequently Asked Questions
- Who is eligible to ride, at town expense?
- Who is NOT eligible to ride, at town expense and or required to pay?
- How do I know if my house is two-miles or under from the school my child attends?
- How is the two-mile determination made?
- What do I do if I disagree with the school department mileage measurement?
- Where will my child be picked up or dropped off?
- Can I have my child picked up or dropped off at a stop other than their home bus stop?
- What if I only need the bus one way or only 2 or 3 days per week?
- How much will the bus cost, when is payment due, and are fees refundable?
- Is there any provision for a fee waiver?
- Where do I send my payment and forms?
- What do I do with the 2023-2024 bus pass?
Who is eligible to ride, at town expense?
Who is NOT eligible to ride, at town expense and or required to pay?
How do I know if my house is two-miles or under from the school my child attends?
How is the two-mile determination made?
What do I do if I disagree with the school department mileage measurement?
Where will my child be picked up or dropped off?
Children will walk to a common bus stop. We will make every effort to have that distance no greater than 1.5 miles. Bus stops will be set up, approved, maintained and verified by the Transportation Director only. Students are not entitled to street by street or door to door pickup or delivery. All stops will be at corners, whenever possible, as to make them fair and consistent for all. Bus stops are set up in accordance with School Committee policy and state law. In the case of new residents, you may be in an area that might require issuing a new bus stop. Until the area is reviewed and, if necessary, a new stop needs to be added, students will be assigned the closest bus stop until assigned a new one by the Transportation office. Parents are responsible to assure your child is at the correct bus stop. Any child standing at unauthorized locations or bus stops not assigned by transportation, will not be picked up. Do not assume bus stops are in the same location as the previous year, as they are apt to change due to student location and population. School Bus Drivers are not permitted to make changes, additions or deletions of any bus stops. While the law requires school departments to furnish transportation, to those students falling within the States guidelines, it does not relieve the parent of the responsibility of supervision of the child until the child boards the bus in the morning and the child leaves the bus at the end of the day. Once a child boards the bus and only at that time, does he or she become the responsibility of the school district. Such responsibility shall end when the child is delivered to the bus stop at the close of the school day. All kindergarten students must be met and taken from the school bus by an adult. Kindergarten students will be returned to the school if no adult is present.
Can I have my child picked up or dropped off at a stop other than their home bus stop?
If requesting an Alternate stop, it must be pre-approved, pending room on the bus, it will be the closest existing bus stop and in the case of elementary schools, must be located in that schools’ district. Alternate stop requests (if granted) can be for the following reasons ONLY - there are NO exceptions:
(A.) licensed daycare facility (B). Shared custodial parent or (C.) student's job location… the enclosed criteria and fees as outlined in Section #9, may apply to the alternate stop, based on grade and distance. An alternate stop request is NOT a requirement and requests may not be able to be granted. Visits to friend’s houses are not allowed, temporary addresses for use while parents are vacationing, on business trips, etc... are not allowed, you must arrange your own transportation.
#7B) The student does not become a discipline issue.
#7C) Only one alternate stop per child is allowed. The alternate stop, if approved, must be consistent.
What if I only need the bus one way or only 2 or 3 days per week?
How much will the bus cost, when is payment due, and are fees refundable?
**NOTE fees have INCREASED, see below**
The amount of the fee will be determined on an annual basis. The fee for school year 2024/2025 is as follows:
- The fee is $225.00 for the first child, $225.00 for the second child of the same family and the maximum for one family is $450.00 per year, regardless of the date of entry into the school system.
Loss of the bus pass will result in a $10.00 fee to issue a new pass.
Please see the fee application for discounted rate, if available. Bus Routes are completed as soon as possible, in order to make deadlines and provide the information to the public. Students MUST have a bus pass to ride. - You may make payments at any time – HOWEVER All fees must be paid in full prior to getting a bus pass. We cannot issue a pass without FULL payment. Applications, payments and any qualifying paperwork must be completed and brought in or mailed to the Transportation office. *See bus pass application for methods of payment. * Students entering the school system after school start-up will be accepted based on space on a bus and if there is an existing stop already on the route.
- If a refund is requested you are returning the bus pass and will, NOT need the bus; any full refund is only granted prior to the start of school and the pass was not used. Partial refunds are issued between school start and January 31st will be equal to 50% used and ALL refund request must be in writing to the Transportation Office, prior to January 31. NO REFUNDS AFTER JAN 31ST.
Is there any provision for a fee waiver?
Please see the “Sharing Information” Form. We do not determine Financial Eligibility. It is your responsibility to apply for and check on your status with the Food Services Program. We follow the determination that is made by Food Services and cannot change any determination made by them. Until a determination is made you are responsible for transporting your child to and from school. Qualifying for the Federal Meal Program does NOT automatically qualify you for a bus pass. If you qualify for reduced, you must pay the fee before a bus pass is issued and if qualified for free, it means we cannot charge you the fee. All bus seats for non-mandated (fee) students are based on room on the bus on a first come first serve basis.
Please note that in the event you reside in the existing walk zone of 1 mile, within your school's district, fee application waivers will not be considered. The full amount of the fee must be processed. If you cannot provide this fee, residing within the walk zone, your child will remain a walker.
Where do I send my payment and forms?
All Forms whether a “FEE” application or a “FREE” application must be returned to:
Barnstable Public Schools Transportation Office, 835 Falmouth Road, Hyannis, MA 02601
- Checks should be made payable to Barnstable Public Schools
- We also accept Mastercard or Visa for payment, please refer to the application on how to use this method.
- You can also pay through your School Bucks account for BPS students.
Please note that the Barnstable Public Schools, Student Bus Policy, is always in effect as riding the school bus is a privilege and should remain safe for all riders. Behavior issues will be dealt with in accordance with School Policy. Suspension and or revocation of riding privileges, by any student, will not afford a refund of bus fees for any reason.
What do I do with the 2023-2024 bus pass?
Bus Information
NO Stops, Buses, or Route Changes will be Added from August 9 until September 27
To get the discounted rate
Your application and payment, in full, must be in our office by the close of business, 5:00 p.m., on June 28, 2024. You can drop an application 24/7 in our locked and monitored drop box, located on the front of our building. NOTE, any applications left in the drop box AFTER 5:00 p.m. are stamped and dated the following business day.
To get your REGULAR bus pass on bus pass pickup days
Your application must be in the transportation office by the close of business on August 9, 2024, in order to pick up your bus pass at the Barnstable Intermediate School on either August 21st or 22nd between 7:00 a.m. and 4:45 p.m. We will also have bus pass pickup available on August 23rd and 26th from 8:00 a.m. to 2:45 p.m. at the Intermediate school. Our offices will be closed for Bus pass pickup on all of these dates. We will only be accepting late applications at our office during bus pass days.
If your application is received after August 9th
You may receive a bus pass that will allow you to ride at the closest available bus stop on the bus that has seats open. You will be assigned this bus and stop through September 27th, there are NO exceptions. As of September 30th it is expected that all students assigned to a bus with room will be moved to their regular bus and the passes will be replaced via the bus driver.
Bus passes will have all the current route information on them when you receive it
- Bus stop,
- Bus stop times,
- Name of the bus
Portuguese & Spanish Documents
Sharing Information/Fee Waiver
To save you time and effort, the information you gave on your Free and Reduced-Price School Meals Application may be shared with other programs for which your children may qualify, For the following programs, we must have your permission to share your information. Sending in this form will not change whether your children get free or reduced-price meals.
Kindergarten Bus Safety
Barnstable Public Schools requires that all bus riders must have a valid bus pass. Once your child is registered at the school, you will receive a bus pass application packet. Kindergartners have different colored bus passes in order to be easily recognized by school staff that they are kindergarten students.
Please provide the school staff with your proper street address. If you intend to have your child picked up or dropped off at an address other than your own; alternate stops, if approved, must be within the school's district and there must be room on the bus. Alternate stops are periodically approved if it is for licensed daycare or split custody situations. Students cannot ride a bus to visit a friend.
To ensure children’s safety, parents must take an active role in promoting safe riding and walking habits.
School Bus Safety
To be safe when they travel to and from school, follow these simple safety rules.
At The Bus Stop:
- Always walk to the bus stop. Never run.
- Walk on the sidewalk. If there is no sidewalk, walk on the left facing traffic.
- Always go to the bus stop about five to ten minutes before the bus is scheduled to arrive.
- While at the bus stop, wait in a safe place away from the road. Do not run and play while waiting.
- Never speak to strangers at the bus stop and never get into the car with a stranger. Always go straight home and tell your parents if a stranger tries to talk to you or pick you up.
- Wait for the bus to arrive, watch for red flashing lights and the stop sign to be extended, and cross only when all traffic has stopped. Look left, right, and left again before crossing.
On The Bus:
- Go directly to a seat. Remain seated and facing forward for the entire ride.
- Talk quietly (so the driver will not be distracted).
- If you need to talk to the bus driver: wait for the bus to stop, raise your hand, and call the driver's name.
- Never throw things on the bus or out the windows. Never play with the emergency exits.
- Keep the aisles clear at all times.
- If there is an emergency, listen to the driver and follow instructions.
Exit The Bus:
- When getting off the bus make sure you walk (not run) five more steps away from the door. This is the best place to be around a bus. Stay away from the bus wheels and watch out for moving cars!
- Once you get off the bus, go straight home so an adult will know where you are.
- Only get on and off the bus at your designated stop.
- If you leave something on the bus, never return to the bus to get it. The driver may not see you come back and they may begin moving the bus. Also, if you drop something near the bus, tell the bus driver. NEVER attempt to pick it up without talking to the bus driver.