Facility Rentals
Facilites Procedures and Guidelines
Failure to comply with these procedures and guidelines may result in loss of privileges to use Barnstable Public School facilities. Updated August 5, 2024.
NOTE: When submitting the online application, use Chrome or Firefox as your internet browser. The application is not supported by Internet Explorer.
- The use of all school facilities will be at the discretion of the Superintendent and the School Committee. The appropriateness of the activity should adhere to the proper use of a school building or grounds.
- The activity should provide the community with artistic, cultural, recreational or educational benefits.
- Application for facilities use must be submitted at least two (2) weeks prior to the requested event date.
- Selection of a date is not a guarantee of the venue/room. After your application is received, it will be reviewed and once approved and all required documents are submitted, the permit will be e-mailed to you. Please bring the permit with you to your event.
- When scheduling conflicts occur, preference will be given to organizations or events directly associated with Barnstable Public Schools and the Town of Barnstable.
- Per Barnstable Ordinance, State and Federal law, use of tobacco or alcohol is prohibited on school property. If alcohol or tobacco is discovered on the premises during your event, your permit will be revoked, and future facility applications may be denied.
- Adequate adult supervision of children must be provided at all times.
- Parking of vehicles is the responsibility of the Applicant. ALL driveways and marked areas must be kept clear at all times for emergency use of Emergency and School vehicles. NO parking on grass or turf fields is allowed. Illegally parked cars may be towed at the owner’s expense.
- Per the Barnstable School Committee: "In the interest of decreasing exposure to latex allergens in schools, the use of latex gloves, the presence of latex balloons, and the use of tennis balls as chair leg coverings is prohibited in all school buildings and on all school grounds. Due to the potential for serious latex-related allergic reactions, as well as choking hazards associated with latex balloons, only non-latex gloves and Mylar (please see the trademark "r") balloons will be allowed in school buildings and on school grounds."
- The use of pyrotechnics, glitter or confetti is prohibited at all times.
- A Certificate of Liability Insurance with a minimum amount of $1,000,000 coverage combined with a single limit for bodily injury and property must be submitted to the Facilities Department prior to the event date. The following information must be included on the Certificate:
- The column labeled "ADDL INS" in the General Commercial Liability section must be checked.
- The Description of Operations section must indicate the nature of the event, date and time, with the name of the school and address of the school being rented.
- The Certificate Holder section, the Town of Barnstable and Barnstable Public Schools must be listed with the address of 835 Falmouth Road, Hyannis, MA 02601.
- If the organization utilizes a private contractor for specific services, (i.e. electrical, audio/visual, computer, etc.) for the event, a Certificate of Liability with the same parameters noted above must be submitted by the private contractor prior to permit issuance.
- In the event of any damage or theft of property at the facility, the user group will be charged for the cost to replace or repair the damage or theft.
- Groups using the Performing Arts Center and Knight Auditorium must provide their own sound equipment and may use the basic lighting features. Additional lighting must be provided by the rental group. All musical instruments and equipment must be provided by the rental group.
- An Event Manager is required, to manage sound and lighting, at the rate of $75 per hour with a 4-hour minimum.
- Notification of cancelation of an event by the user must be made in writing (email or fax) to the Facilities Department at least seven calendar (7) days prior to the event. If cancelations occur before the 7 day window, the user will receive a full reimbursement of any payments made. For cancelations within the 7 days, the user will be responsible for one-half (1/2) of the total cost. Reimbursement in full will be made in cases when the building is closed due to inclement weather or structural reasons.
- Additional approval signatures are required as follows: All pertinent signatures are required prior to approval of application; permits will not be finalized until all application requirements are met. You will be notified by the Facilities Booking Coordinator if these additional signatures are necessary for your event.
- The School Department requires a Police Detail Officer for events with greater than 300 people in attendance and/or potential traffic or parking concerns. The rental group must contact the Barnstable Police Department to schedule this detail and pay the Police Department directly.
- Local Fire Department approval/notification for events with greater than 300 people in attendance and/or vendor, display or stage set-ups. Any special requirements per the Fire Department must be forwarded to the Facilities Department. The Fire Department will determine whether a walk-through is necessary prior to the event. The Organization may request a paid EMS detail for the event.
- Barnstable Health Department for approval and permit required if food is to be served to the public whether it is pre-prepared, cooked or grilled onsite. A permit is also required if food is to be sold by the organization or a third party vendor. All food trucks must be properly licensed by the Town of Barnstable.
- Barnstable Licensing Authority for any group charging a fee and/or providing entertainment. A copy of the Special Permit/One Day Entertainment License must be submitted to the Facilities Department prior to the Event.
- Barnstable Building Department for event advertising signage to be placed in Barnstable and for placement of tents larger than 10 feet x 10 feet.
- Field use is based on weather conditions and is at the discretion of the Director of Facilities and Barnstable High School Athletic Director.
- Use of any field for any purpose other than it was designed for is prohibited (unless authorized by the Director of Facilities and/or Barnstable High School Athletic Director).
- All facilities should be left in the manner they were found.
- No animals are allowed in any of the School buildings or High School fields, except for certified Service Animals.
- Gas or electric powered vehicles are not allowed on any High School field areas.
- No improper disposal of rubbish or refuse of any kind on fields or in the building. Organizations are asked to place litter in trash receptacles.
- The Facilities Department and Barnstable Public Schools reserve the right to require a Police Detail for an event.
- Any incident resulting in injury to person or property must be promptly reported by Applicant to the Facilities Department at 508 790 6490.
- The Facilities Department reserves the right to request payment in advance or to require a deposit.
- The Barnstable School District and/or Facilities Department reserves the right to refuse the use of school property to any and all groups.
- The Facilities Department, Barnstable School Staff, and/or Event Manager reserve the right to notify the Police or other Emergency Services if deemed necessary.
- The Facilities Department reserves the right to require additional conditions for an event.
- In applying for use, the Applicant attests that the organization they represent is in compliance with the Town of Barnstable CORI Regulations and has successfully completed background CORI checks on all coaches and volunteers within the organization and that all volunteers and coaches have been approved in accordance with all appropriate state and local laws and policies.
Facilities Fee Schedule
FY25 Facilities Fee Schedule.pdf
Facility Rental Fee Schedule (Effective July 1, 2024)
- "A" usage - Barnstable School and Town related events
- "B" usage - Certified Non-Profits and/or events not raising funds. Nonprofit documentation required.
- "C" usage - For-Profit users
- "Hourly" applies to events up to and including four (4) hours. "Full" day applies to events greater than four (4) hours and not exceeding the specified facility closing time. Applicant may opt to pay the hourly fee after 4 hours.
- Kitchen rental requires the presence of a kitchen staff member to oversee operations at an additional cost with a 4 hour minimum. The cost is incurred by the Applicant and invoiced by the Barnstable Public School Food Service Department.
- All events require at least 1 custodian with minimum of 4 hours for $160. Additional hours are billed at $40 per hour.
- Performing Arts Center and Knight Auditorium events using lighting and/or audio/visual/computer services require an Event Manager at the rate of $75/hr with a 4 hour minimum.
- The Facilities Department reserves the right to require an Event Manager for events with large attendance, particularly with extensive set-up, clean up, etc.
- The Facilities Department reserves the right to require Grounds and/or Custodial staff for Stadium and Multi-Purpose field rentals.
- Police Officer Details are required for all concerts and other events as directed by the Facilities Department. The cost is incurred by the Applicant and invoiced by the Barnstable Police Department.
- Barnstable High School Athletic Field (grass and turf) use is by APPROVED Permit ONLY. Use is based on weather conditions and is at the discretion of the Director of Facilities and BHS Athletic Director.
- Barnstable Public School District athletic practices, games, academic and school events and Town of Barnstable events take precedence over any other organization's request.
Booking Calendar Instructions
The Barnstable Public Schools has brought to its website a new and quicker way to check on the availability of a venue for your event. As a reminder, we require two (2) weeks advance notice for your booking request. Please read these instructions then go to the Facilities Booking Calendar. (You do not need login to view the calendar)
Directions to use the Calendar:
Click on the drop down to view "All Locations" and click on the name of the school
Click on "Filter starting" type in the date you would like to view and click "Filter". NOTE: This will give you a month by month option to view all events going on at the school in the time frame from 3:00 P.M. – 11:00 PM
- If there is an event(s) listed on your requested date, click the event to open the window with details of the event. If this event conflicts with your choice of venue/room go back to #2 and select another date and/or venue.
- If the date and venue are available, you can submit the application by clicking on the appropriate organization type below.