Barnstable, Massachusetts
Phone: 508.790.6445 (x1844) | Fax: 508.790.6377
Register on FamilyId. The registration process is a two page process. Please make sure that the application is submitted including page 2 to ensure a completed registration form.
Have an up-to-date physical on file with the athletic department. Physicals are good for 13 months from their date of service. Physicals can either be:
Payment ($150 per student-athlete, with a $450 family cap) must be made through MySchool Bucks, located on page 2 of the FamilyId registration website. If your student-athlete is receiving free or reduced lunch, then they are eligible to receive a fee waiver for the season. Please choose the submit button on page 2 and the waiver will be handled directly through the athletic office. Please choose the Submit option if your family has met the $450 cap.
No student-athlete will be eligible to participate if they are failing more than one, term 2 final grade. Eligibility will also be re-assessed at the end of the 3rd quarter, where eligibility will be dependent upon not failing more than one end of 3rd term grade. All student-athletes must also carry 4 core classes at all times.
Student-athletes must be in good standing, as stated in the Barnstable Public Schools Handbook.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding the sports registration process, please reach out to Katie Egan in the athletic department directly at 508-790-6377, extension 1019.
BHS Varsity Home Games on the B2BTV YouTube
(Not all home games will be broadcast)
The Special Olympics MA declared Barnstable High School a '22-'23 Special Olympics Massachusetts Unified Champion School! Under your leadership, Barnstable High School staff and students have demonstrated their commitment to meaningful inclusion through unified sports, inclusive youth leadership, and whole-school engagement.
The objective is to create a climate within athletics that promotes positive youth development, and the health and safety of all BHS students.