BPS Department of Instructional Technology

  • Digital Literacy and Computer Science - Overview

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    We believe technology will enhance the quality and scope of teaching and learning. Our goal is to ensure all educators and students receive equitable access to technology. Technology can be integrated across curricula for meaningful instruction through the expanded use of digital media, assistive technologies, and universally designed instruction. This environment will provide countless opportunities to fully integrate technology in the education process.

    TECHNOLOGY: Devices available to all students

    At Barnstable we believe in choosing the right tool for the job at hand. Students use a variety of technologies throughout their years at BPS, exploring their potential.

    • Pre-K  students have iPads available in classrooms.
    • Grade K -3 students have iPads assigned to each student.
    • Grade 3 to 12 students have Chromebooks assigned to each student.
    • Barnstable Public Schools is a Google School: We manage Google Apps/ Workspace for Google Education Plus


    In the early elementary school years, students begin to use the tools of learning: books, pencils, paper and mobile devices.  Students access and engage information with technology and learn the technology and digital literacy skills needed to support critical thinking and creative expression. Barnstable provides incremental and age appropriate lessons and activities that support the implementation of the MA DESE Digital Literacy and Computer Science frameworks.

    At Barnstable Intermediate School, students engage in a more robust DL&CS curriculum using a variety of tools to create media-rich projects, explore science career pathways, and coding and robotics skills.

    Barnstable High School’s programs offer more specialized classes and programs as technology is integral to many careers.  A sample of offerings include: Computer Science, Robotics, Engineering, Graphic Arts, Broadcasting, Music Tech, Project Lead the Way Science modules, Environmental Science & Technology and, Water Technology.

    Digital Literacy and Computer Science - Grades K-5

    Digital Literacy and Citizenship

    Students learn about digital literacy and being safe, responsible users of technology and information.  Our curriculum is built around materials from Common Sense. Common Sense has many great resources for schools and families. To learn more, visit http://tiny.cc/cbpviz

    Typing Club and Digital Tools (Google Apps)

    All students have access to Typing Club at school and at home. Visit Typing Club at barnstable.typingclub.com.  

    Proving a suite of Google Apps allows students to gain digital skills to apply their learning.

    Computational Thinking and Computer Science:

    Students explore the fundamentals of computer science, problem solving, logical reasoning, the iterative design process, and perseverance through coding. To learn more, visit code.org.

    To learn more about the MA DESE Digital Literacy and Computer Science frameworks, please visit http://www.doe.mass.edu/stem/dlcs/  


A Variety of Technology