Barnstable Public Schools Emergency Reunification Plan

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  • Emergency Protocol

    In most cases, the Evacuation of a school building is a temporary mat­ter. Evacuations most often occur due to a fire drill or a malfunction­ing alarm. In these cases, all stu­dents and building personnel exit their building and congregate in designated areas until the fire de­partment authorizes re-entry.

    In the event of an emergency or dis­aster occurring in our area that requires everyone to leave the building permanently, the Barnstable Public Schools, in conjunc­tion with the Barnstable Police and Fire Departments, has developed a plan to reunite students with their families.

    If an emergency or disaster situa­tion occurs while school is in ses­sion, please help us care for all stu­dents:

    1. Please Remain Calm

    2. DO NOT call the school (it is important to keep home and school lines open). Our Emergency Phone Contact Sys­tem will provide information to all parents/guardians

    3. DO NOT drive to school. Our Emergency Phone Contact System will provide information to all parents/guardians on which location you should go to reunite with your child(ren)

    4. Tune in to local news stations



    Students will be transported to the Reunification location.  You will receive information and instructions via an automated telephone message. If normally required, transportation for students with special circumstances will be provided to the Reunification location.

    If you are instructed to pick up your child:

    • Please bring photo I.D.
    • Check-in with school officials
    • A staff member will unite you with your child
    • Please make sure you sign your child out as dismissed
    • Promptly leave the Reunification site’s grounds


    A Parent’s/Guardian’s To-Do List

    The success of the plan depends on your cooperation. Please take a moment to familiarize yourself and your family with this emergency plan. Thank you for your continued support and involvement in the schools.

    1.  Always update student emergency online information in the district portal including contacts
    2. Tune in to local new channels and local cable TV
    3. Please discuss this information with your child
    4. Share this plan with the two in­dividuals listed on your child’s emergency information

    Reunification Locations

    Supervised students will be transported to the reunification location. You will be advised of the location by phone message. 

    • Cape Cod Community College
      2240 Iyannough Rd,
      West Barnstable

    • Barnstable Municipal Airport
      480 Barnstable Rd. Hyannis 

    Evacuation Brochure_Spanish.pdf

    Evacuation Brochure_Portuguese.pdf