Fiscal Year 2018 Budget Development Timeline
üSeptember§Town Manager & School Superintendent develop annual agreement on the allocation of the projected revenue.üOctober§Initial revenue & expenditure estimates created.üNovember§Budget Development guide and priorities distributed to Principals / Directors.üDecember§Budget book, enrollment and funding requests due to Superintendent.üJanuary§District leadership review of submissions.§Joint Town Council / School Committee meeting.§Meeting with BCHMCPSüFebruary§Initial presentation to School CommitteeüMarch§School Committee FY’18 Budget Hearing.§CFAC review of Operating Budget§Public Hearing on FY’18 Budget.üApril§School Committee adopt Operating Budget / Submit to Town ManagerüMay / June§Town Council first reading of FY’18 Operating Budget orders.§Public Hearing on recommended FY’18 Operating Budget.§Town Council adopt FY’18 Operating Budget.
FY'18 Budget Presentations
FY18 School Capital Budget
Overview of School District projects presented to the Town Council. All projects were approved 04/06/17.
Proposed FY18 Fee Schedule
Fees proposed for general school operations.
School Committee Presentation -03/15/17
Presentation to the School Committee. Operating Budget
School Committee Presentation - 03/01/17
Presentation to the School Committee. Fiscal Year 2018 Operating Budget.
School Committee Presentation - 02/14/2017
Initial presentation to the Barnstable School Committee of the Fiscal Year 2018 Operating Budget
District Leadership Presentation - 02/01/17
Budget presentation to the District Leadership group comprised of School Committee, Principals, School Council representatives.