Title I Teaching Staff

  • Title I teachers work very closely with the regular classroom teachers to ensure continuity in our child's education. Title I teachers provide additional instruction in reading and/or math. This instruction is intended to supplement the regular classroom instruction.
    Title I teachers are certified professionals. They plan, teach, and evaluate progress. They maintain student records, attend staff meetings, in-service programs, and regional and state workshops.  In addition, they meet with parents and administrators on a regular basis.

    Title I Program

    Kristen Harmon – Assistant Superintendent
    Jaclyn Gillis – Grant & Compliance Manager

    Schoolwide Programs

    Hyannis West Elementary
    Grade K-3 Schoolwide Title I

    Barnstable United Elementary School
    Grade 4-5 Schoolwide Title I

    Barnstable Community Innovation School
    Grade K-3 Schoolwide Title I