5. Technology is a Choice | Janell Burley Hofmann
Janell Burley Hofmann is an international speaker and consultant on topics like technology, media, health, relationships and personal growth. Janell is the author of the book, iRules: What Every Tech-Healthy Family Needs to Know About Selfies, Sexting, Gaming and Growing Up. She has also presented at TEDx San Diego, Maximum Mumbai, SxSW, and iPadpalooza. Janell has worked with schools, shelters, families, educators, children and teens while offering private coaching, business and community consultations. Janell's professional expertise and personal experience as a mother of five children builds strong connections with a wide and varied population. Janell engages readers, clients and audiences in relevant and meaningful conversations igniting personal empowerment, awareness and purpose in a partnership that will positively impact all.