Gateway Family Page

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    GATEWAY Department District Page

    NEW - Share your child's interests and talents with us!

    GATEWAY Family Survey: Available in EnglishPortuguese, and Spanish

    Q.   Who participates in GATEWAY?

    A.  GATEWAY provides supports for ALL students in Barnstable through talent development and advanced curriculum opportunities.  Students are determined for supports based on their interests and readiness skills.  

    Q.  What are the supports provided to students through GATEWAY?

    A.   Tier 1 Universal Support:   All students will have the opportunity to take an interest survey.  Enrichment may be designed to match the student's interests. All students in the elementary grades will have the opportunity to receive enrichment based on their individual interests.   Students can reach out to teachers and visit the GATEWAY Student website for links.  Students, families, and/or staff members can submit an Action Information Message or reach out to the GATEWAY teacher for additional resources.   

    Tier 2 Supplemental Support:  Tier 2 GATEWAY is a support to provide additional in-class resources to enrich student learning. The students in Tier 2 have been recommended and have access to extension opportunities.  All extensions have been aligned to the standards. Please see the online form under the GATEWAY teacher webpage.  This is in addition to any Tier 1 support.  At any time a student may be recommended by a teacher.  

    Tier 3 Intensive Support:  Students who are in need of advanced, targeted instruction will receive advanced classes.    Students are recommended by the teacher and multiple measures are used to determine this level of support. This is in addition to Tier 2 support and Tier 1 support.

    Q. How do teachers recommend students for GATEWAY support?

    A. Teachers complete the online recommendation form.  This can be submitted at any time throughout the school year. 

    Q.  Which multiple measures are used to determine student need for tier 2 and tier 3 support in GATEWAY?

    A.  Classroom teacher recommendation form, Local benchmark data (for example: common assessments, STAR ELA and Math, Report Cards), Student interest and parent input