School Counseling Department

  • Comprehensive School Counseling Program

    The Comprehensive School Counseling Program at Barnstable High School is based on the Massachusetts Model for Comprehensive School Counseling.  School counselors take a systemic approach to deliver a standards-based curriculum to all students in grades 8-12 through individual counseling, small group counseling and classroom guidance lessons to facilitate student learning and development in three domains:

    • Personal/Social Development
    • Academic/Technical Achievement
    • Workplace Readiness/Career Planning

    When a student enters Barnstable High School she/he is assigned to a school counselor who works closely with that student, the family, the student’s teachers and any additional support personnel over the years the student is at BHS.  The counselor establishes a relationship with the student in 8th grade and develops a strong knowledge of the student’s strengths, interests and needs in order to most effectively support the student throughout his/her time at BHS.

    Two of the components in which school counselors work closely with students are in academic/technical achievement and in career planning and how those domains relate to course selection at Barnstable High School.

    Course Selection and Scheduling Process

    School Counselors meet individually with each student to select the most appropriate courses in order to ensure high academic rigor and success.  Teachers are asked to provide recommendations for all students in their classes.  Counselors then meet with each of their students in February and March to make course selections based on the student’s academic and career goals, the teachers’ recommendations and the counselor’s professional guidance.  Students course selections are available on Aspen for their parents to review.  

    Because of the complexity of the master schedule, students need to make thoughtful and appropriate course selections.  Please note, NO schedule changes will be permitted once school starts in September.  Scheduling concerns should be directed to your school counselor before the end of this school year.