Resident School Choice (Grades K-3)

  • If you reside in the Town of Barnstable and are looking to attend a different elementary school other than your home school, please see the following information:
    • Please complete the Resident School Choice Form 
    • June 3: Spring lottery (if there are more applicants than existing slots)
    • Students will receive a letter or email indicating if their request has been accepted, denied, or waitlisted.
    • Requests received after May 31, will be accepted, denied, or waitlisted as they are received.

    Please Note: For kindergarten requests, the number of openings is often not known until August.

Non-Resident School Choice

  • If you reside outside of the Town of Barnstable and are looking to attend Barnstable Public Schools please see the following information:
    • Please complete the Non-Resident School Choice Form
    • Applicants with siblings currently attending BPS will be placed first, prior to an enrollment lottery.
    • June 3: Spring lottery (if there are more applicants than existing slots)
    • Students not accepted after the Spring lottery will be placed on a waiting list.
    • Applications received after the June 3rd spring lottery will be kept separate from the waiting list. If the waiting list is exhausted, a summer lottery will occur. 
    • August 5: Summer lottery (if needed)

    If slots remain after the summer lottery and there is no waiting list, students may be accepted as parents apply until a date specified by the principal.