- Barnstable High School
- College and Career Planning
- Scholarships
Scholarship Bulletins will be available through Hub 4 and through Senior TGA's. As Bulletins become available, we will also post them here. We encourage students to apply for all applicable scholarships. Please contact Karen MacFarlane at 508-790-6445 ext 1120, if you have any questions.In addition, many of our students have found success with credible scholarship websites such as:
February 2024 Scholarship Listings
Barnstable High School Class of 2024
February Scholarship Listings
PLEASE NOTE: BHS Scholarships (Use the BHS Application, unless otherwise noted). Check to be sure that the donor's criteria match your qualifications.
- The application for the BHS Scholarships is available at the bottom of the Scholarship web page. SAVE this to your computer/desktop before filling out any information. Once the application is filled out, rename it, and save it as a PDF – this way you can go back in and update, or make changes at any time. You will need to print out the completed application for the BHS Scholarships in this bulletin. If you choose to fill out the application with a pen, instead of typing it out, please print neatly and use black or blue ink – do not use a pencil.
- Please let your Counselor or his/her Administrative Assistant know how many copies of unofficial transcripts and recommendations you will need. They will get these to you in sealed envelopes. Staple (no paper clips) one of each envelope (1 transcript, 1 rec) to the back of the application. Do not put your applications and documents in larger envelopes! The only items that should be in envelopes are your letters of recommendation and transcripts.
- Supply all additional pieces of information requested: (transcript and letter of recommendation are required for most applications) financial aid form (if required), etc. Always hand in your scholarship applications complete with all the materials requested. Incomplete applications may not be considered by donors.
- Spend extra time developing your personal statement about why you’re applying for a scholarship. The scholarship committees read these carefully and, in many cases, this is the major factor in their decision. Make the statement as clear, direct, and concise as possible. Reasons such as other siblings in college, single parent expenses, medical or living expenses, etc. can be given.
- Remember scholarship application packets reflect who you are, make them neat, complete and yes this is the time to brag about yourself. Sometimes telling something interesting or different about you makes you stand out next to another application.
- Once your application packet is complete, staple everything together (this avoids paperwork being lost), and hand it to Mrs. MacFarlane in School Counseling – Room 2112 no later than March 15, 2024, by 2:00 PM. No late applications will be accepted. There are no exceptions! You can turn them in before March 15th if you complete them earlier.
- If you receive a scholarship, a thank you note expressing your appreciation should always be sent to the granting organization as soon as possible. I will supply you with contact information. Scholarship award details for payment are listed after each description in this bulletin. Pay close attention to how and when the scholarship is paid. For example, you will need to provide information to the donor before they pay for the scholarship. This could be proof of enrollment, tuition paid, grades, etc. There are no guarantees that students will receive the scholarship money they feel they need. You are advised to have discussions with your parents about projected funds for college, so that you will be aware of monies available from the family, should adequate financial aid not be forthcoming.
*Please be sure that all the information you provide on your application is accurate. Please be aware that donors may choose to take back awarded scholarships if they find your information invalid.
It is always a good idea to stop by my office with questions so that I can go over the packet quickly with you after you receive it. Most times, this makes it an easier process for you overall.
The BHS Scholarships are as follows:
2024 BTA Scholarship - Applicants can be any High School graduating senior (in or out of the Barnstable School system) planning on attending a 2- or 4-year institution and who is the son or daughter of a Barnstable Teachers Association member. The number of scholarships and the amounts awarded vary from year to year. ***Please see Mrs. MacFarlane for instructions on how to apply. This one is not to be submitted on the BHS application**** Scholarship to be paid directly to the recipient at Senior Recognition Night.
2024 BTA John Reed Scholarship – Applicants must be a student of color, plan on attending a 2- or 4-year institution after graduation preferably planning on studying Education. You must fully complete the application to be considered for the award. One scholarship of $500 will be awarded. ****Please see Mrs. MacFarlane for instructions on how to apply. This one is not to be submitted on the BHS application**** Scholarship to be paid directly to the recipient at Senior Recognition Night.
Advocates for a Community College Education Scholarship - For graduating seniors from any Cape Cod Public High School who has identified need and desire for mentoring. Desires and is committed to continuing education and success, has demonstrated resilience, shows initiative and takes responsibility, needs financial support. Up to $4,800 disbursed over 4 semesters will be awarded. ***Please see Mrs. MacFarlane for instructions on how to apply. This one is not to be submitted on the BHS application****Deadline to apply is April 1, 2024.
Barnstable Association for Recreational Shellfishing Scholarship “BARS”– For a BHS graduating senior who plans on pursuing a career in Marine Biology, Estuarine Science, Oceanography or Marine Environmental Science, display a special interest/aptitude for Marine and/or Environmental studies, must have a GPA of at least a 3.0 or above, show community involvement and must be a full time Barnstable County resident. One scholarship of $2,000 will be awarded. Scholarship to be paid directly to the college upon donor’s receipt of proof of acceptance to college or institution.
Barnstable Disability Commission Scholarship – For a graduating senior who resides in the Town of Barnstable, who has a documented disability or is pursuing a career in working with persons having a disability. Two scholarships for $1,250 will be awarded. Scholarship checks will be made out in the name of the student & institution and paid upon proof to the donor of acceptance to the college or institution.
Barnstable Police Aselton Scholarship (In memory of Michael Aselton) – Applicants should be BHS graduating seniors who are (1st preference to) sons/daughters of Barnstable Police Officers who will be pursuing a degree in Criminal Justice/Law Enforcement or (2nd preference) a BHS student who will be pursuing a degree in Criminal Justice, career in Law Enforcement or Fire Science. This must be listed as your major in college and courses must be taken in your major in your first term. Five scholarships of $3,000 will be awarded. Scholarship to be paid directly to college/institution upon donor’s receipt of first semester grades.
BHS Class of “77” Memorial Scholarship – For a BHS graduating senior who has applied and been accepted to Cape Cod Community College for full time status in the fall of 2024. One scholarship will be awarded in the amount of $500. Scholarship to be paid directly to college/institution upon proof to donor of acceptance to the college/institution.
Cathy Marcoux Fraser Scholarship Fund – For a BHS graduating senior who is planning on pursuing his/her education at a two- or four-year institution and needs financial assistance. Four scholarships will be awarded in the amount of $1000. Scholarship to be paid directly to the recipient at Senior Awards Night.
Cotuit Bird & Garden Club Scholarship – For a BHS graduating senior who will be pursuing his/her education in the fall of 2024. One scholarship of $1,000 will be awarded. Scholarship to be paid to the recipient upon receipt of acceptance to a college/institution.
Fair Acres Country Day School Alumni Scholarship – For a BHS graduating senior who plans to attend a 2- or 4-year college in the fall of 2024, are in good academic standing and who attended Fair Acres for 2 years. Two scholarships of $1000 will be awarded. Scholarship to be paid directly to the recipient in June at the Fair Acres End of Year Celebration.
Firefighter Ron (and Tracy) Beals Memorial Scholarship – For BHS graduating seniors of families of Barnstable Fire Fighters of other Local Fire Departments, past and present, who are planning on pursuing his/her education full time at a college or technical school. Scholarships are based on need. First preference will be given to the Barnstable Fire District. Second preference will be given to Centerville, Osterville, Marstons Mills Fire District. All others to follow. One or more scholarships will be awarded in the amount of $2,500. ***Please see Mrs. MacFarlane for an application, this one is not to be submitted on the BHS application*** Scholarship to be paid directly to the recipient upon donor’s receipt of first semester grades with at least a 2.0 GPA. A grade report must be presented to the committee prior to the distribution of the award.
Four Seas Ice Cream - Randall Mark Warren Scholarship – For a BHS graduating senior with a GPA of 3.0 or better and will be pursuing their education at a four-year college or university. Number and amount of scholarships varies. Scholarship to be paid directly to the recipient in July or August upon proof to the donor of acceptance to college/institution.
Grand Prix Driving School Scholarship – For a BHS graduating senior who has taken Driver’s Ed through Grand Prix and is a true supporter of safe driving. One scholarship of $250 will be awarded. Scholarship will be paid directly to the recipient on Award Night.
HUB International Insurance Agency Scholarship – For a BHS graduating senior who is planning to attend a four-year college or university and will be pursuing a career in Business. One scholarship in the amount of $500 will be awarded. Scholarship to be paid directly to the recipient at Senior Recognition Night.
James M. Dunn Scholarship – For a BHS graduating senior who has overcome obstacles on the road to achieving academic success and has done so with perseverance, dedication, and a positive attitude. It is someone who has shown an understanding of and appreciation for others’ differences. This student will be pursuing his/her education at an accredited college. Two scholarships of $1,000 each will be awarded. *Please write a short essay about why you feel you are deserving of this scholarship. Scholarship to be paid directly to college/institution upon successful completion of one semester at an accredited college or institution.
John F. Kennedy Memorial Trust Fund Scholarship – For a BHS graduating senior who has demonstrated citizenship, scholarship, character, leadership, cooperation, seriousness of purpose, financial need and the promise of future success in his or her scholastic and other future endeavors. The top three finalists will be interviewed. One scholarship will be awarded in the amount of $2,500. Scholarship to be paid directly to the recipient at Memorial Day events.
Kiwanis Club of Hyannis - For a BHS graduating senior who will be pursuing his/her education. Preference will be given to Key Club members. This scholarship is given in honor and memory of Glenna Kohl. One scholarship will be given in the amount of $1,000. Scholarship to be paid directly to the recipient upon proof of acceptance to college or institution.
Liberty Hall Club of Marstons Mills, Inc. – For a BHS graduating senior who will be pursuing his/her education and is a resident of the village of Marstons Mills. One scholarship will be awarded in the amount of $500. Scholarship to be paid directly to the recipient upon the donor's receipt of first semester grades. Scholarship must be claimed no later than June 1st of the year immediately following the date of graduation from High School.
Marjorie and Norman Ferguson Memorial Scholarship – For a BHS graduating senior who shows strong academic achievement, motivation to succeed, financial need and will be pursuing his/ her education. Up to ten scholarships will be awarded @ $500 each. Scholarship to be paid directly to college/institution upon receipt of first tuition bill to Sean O’Brien Treasurer/Collector, Town of Barnstable 230 South Street Hyannis, MA 02601.
Osterville Men’s Club Scholarship – For a BHS graduating senior who will be pursuing his/her education. The applicant must have financial need, academic achievement, school and community activities, work history, and demonstrate character and leadership. The top ten finalists will be interviewed at a later date. Four scholarships of $5,000 will be awarded. Scholarship to be paid directly to the recipient upon donor’s receipt of first semester grades.
Poyant Family Scholarship – For a BHS graduating senior who will be continuing their education at a four-year college or university and who shows financial need, character, scholastic record, work record and involvement in community service, extracurricular activity and school activity. One scholarship of $1,000 will be awarded. ***Please see Mrs. MacFarlane for an application, this one is not to be submitted on the BHS application**** Scholarship to be paid directly to the recipient on Senior Recognition night provided you have furnished proof of acceptance to college or institution to the donor.
Robert F. Scudder Memorial Scholarship – For a BHS graduating senior who will be attending the Massachusetts Maritime Academy as a freshman. One scholarship will be awarded in the amount of $2,000. Scholarship to be paid directly to the recipient upon receipt of the first tuition bill. Check will be sent in July.
The Annual Ken Ballou Memorial Santuit and Cotuit Historical Society Scholarship – For a BHS graduating senior who lives in the Town of Barnstable and has above average academic grades, participates in school and community activities, including part-time work, has financial need and who will be attending college in the fall of 2024. One scholarship of $2,000 will be awarded. ***Please see Mrs. MacFarlane for an application, this one is not to be submitted on the BHS application**** Scholarship to be paid either to the recipient or the college/institution upon donor’s receipt of first semester grades, must have a GPA of 3.0 or better, and proof of enrollment for second semester.
The Honey Dew Donuts Scholarship – For a BHS graduating senior who has a B- or better, who will be attending a four-year college in the fall and participates in local community activities and charities. Applicants who are Honey Dew Donuts employees (or a family member of) are eligible to apply. One scholarship (amount to be determined) will be awarded. Scholarship to be paid directly to the recipient at the Honey Dew awards breakfast in June.
The Sidney C. Chase Family Scholarship – For a graduating senior pursuing further education at a college or institution who is a U.S. Citizen. One scholarship will be awarded in the amount of $500. Scholarship to be paid directly to the recipient at Senior Awards Night.
Thomas Kane MacPhee Memorial Scholarship – For graduating seniors demonstrating financial need and will be pursuing a degree in the education field, social services, social justice, or service to our country. At least one scholarship will be awarded in the amount of $1,000. Scholarship to be paid directly to the college upon the donor's receipt of the first tuition bill.
If you have any questions regarding the BHS Scholarships listed, please see Mrs. MacFarlane in School Counseling – Room 2112, or email me at macfarlane_karen@mybps.us
Best of luck to the Class of 2024!!
- The application for the BHS Scholarships is available at the bottom of the Scholarship web page. SAVE this to your computer/desktop before filling out any information. Once the application is filled out, rename it, and save it as a PDF – this way you can go back in and update, or make changes at any time. You will need to print out the completed application for the BHS Scholarships in this bulletin. If you choose to fill out the application with a pen, instead of typing it out, please print neatly and use black or blue ink – do not use a pencil.
BHS Scholarships
- Scholarship Bulletin #13
- Scholarship Bulletin #12
- Scholarship Bulletin #11
- Scholarship Bulletin #10
- Scholarship Bulletin #9
- FEBRUARY Scholarship Listings
- Scholarship Bulletin #8
- Scholarship Bulletin #7
- Scholarship Bulletin #6
- Scholarship Bulletin #5
- Scholarship Bulletin #4
- Scholarship Bulletin #3
- Scholarship Bulletin #2
- Scholarship Bulletin #1
The Cape Cod Association Scholarships
More Information Coming Soon...
The Cape Cod Foundation Scholarships Directions
More Information Coming Soon...
The Cape Cod Foundation Scholarships
More Information Coming Soon...