Budget Operations

  • Working with the Superintendent of Schools, Town / District Leadership and School Committee the Finance Division coordinates the preparation and monitoring of the District's annual operating budget.

    Open Budget is part of our commitment to improving transparency by providing a guided view through complex financial information.

    This site provides a transparent look at the types of revenue we collect and how we allocate those public funds. The charts, graphs, and tables below are all highly interactive and we invite you to explore.

    The site is updated at the beginning of every week and the amounts for the current fiscal year are as of the previous week ending. The amounts reported for the prior two fiscal years are as of the current month and include a full month of revenues and expenses.



  • Finance Division
    School Administration Building
    230 South Street
    Hyannis, MA 02601
    hours: 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
    Deputy Finance Director for School Operations
    phone: 508.862.4788
    fax: 508.862.4717
    Cindy Tobey  
    Budget Analyst
    phone: 508.862.4675
    fax: 508.862.4717