Visual Arts Education is a basic and fundamental
part of a comprehensive education of the whole child. The Barnstable Public
Schools have long supported a strong and effective visual arts program. In the
visual arts, students express ideas and emotions that they cannot express in
language alone. In order for our students to understand the range and depth of
the human imagination, they must have knowledge of the arts.
The visual arts is a discipline identified in the
Massachusetts common core frameworks and critical for a students education.
Through the participation in the visual arts students learn how to: problem
solve, improve their individual resilience and persistence when faced with
challenges, critical thinking and analysis, and understand divergent thinking
and multiple solutions to problems.
The Barnstable Public School Visual Arts faculty provide
students with a diverse, varied and comprehensive experience in media, material,
and art making processes with learning anchored by real world connections and
application. Students take art k-5, and may elect to take art 6-12. At the
high school students may elect specific studios in fine arts, fashion design,
ceramics, cartooning and animation, graphic design, video production, and wood
working. We at Barnstable are committed to providing our students a rigorous,
challenging, and enjoyable experience in the visual arts.