- Centerville Elementary
- Phys. Ed and Health Home
Welcome to Centerville Elementary's Physical Education and Health Page
The Physical Education and Health Department is Mr. Cobill. Mr. Cobill teaches all of the Physical Education classes and health classes and has been at Centerville for several years.
I look forward to teaching your student skills to be the best student he/she can be! I encourage participation at whatever level the student feels comfortable while encouraging him/her to keep trying even when faced with challenges.
Students in Kindergarten through Grade 3 have Physical Education once a week throughout the school year. Kindergarten also has Health for the full school year. Grades 1-3 have Health classes for half of the school year. Throughout the year, each class will have an extra Physical Education class in the morning during different months.
Physical Education Policy:
The Physical Education curriculum at Centerville is meant to inspire and empower all students to engage in an active and healthy lifestyle by providing them with the knowledge, skills, attitudes, and the confidence necessary to be healthy and active for a lifetime. Through the use of the Movement Framework, students learn the movement aspects (body, space, effort and relationship) while developing a foundation for all students to become confident movers, regardless of their abilities. Through developmentally appropriate and engaging learning experiences, quality physical education emphasizes the development each student's psychomotor, cognitive, and affective domain while emphasizing the importance of physical activity on overall health.
Dress Code:
Students are required to wear sneakers for class in order to participate. Crocs, clogs, high heeled sneakers, boots, heeleys, etc are not acceptable. This is for your child’s safety as well as the other children’s safety. It is recommended children wear comfortable clothing and be dressed appropriately for outdoor classes in the fall and spring. Large earrings or other dangling jewelry should be removed before class.
Students will receive two separate grades in both physical education and health. These are for their participation/effort and conduct. Grading is as follows:
O = outstanding (most of the time)
S = satisfactory (some of the time)
N = needs improvement (rarely)
Mr. Cobill
Grade: K-3